Nerdy Thoughts

Bad Jokes! Because they're secretly funny :O)

I'll be posting new jokes whenever I can.

Bad joke #1:
Q: What do you see when the fog clears in California?
A: U.C.L.A.

Bad joke #2:
Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?

Bad joke #3:
Kate: Do you know what an opera is, Pete?
Pete: Yeah, it's where instead of screaming and bleeding when they get stabbed, they sing.

Bad joke #4:
Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but okay to go to the bathroom in a handicapped stall?

Bad joke #5:
Q: Why don't they play poker in the jungle?
A: Too many cheetahs.

Bad joke #6:
Q: Why did the tiger eat the tightrope walker?
A: He wanted a well-balanced meal.

Bad joke #7:
Q: What did the duck detective say to his partner?
A: "I hope we quack the case!"

Bad joke #8:
Q: Why did it get hot after the baseball game?
A: Because all the fans left.

Bad joke #9:
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Why the long face?"

Bad joke #10:
Q: How do porcupines hug?
A: Very carefully.

Bad joke #11:
Q: Why did the baseball player go to jail?
A: Because he was caught stealing second base.

Bad joke #12:
Q: Why didn't the fly go near the computer?
A: He didn't want to get caught in the Web.

Bad joke #13:
Q: What invention allows people to walk through walls?
A: The door.

Bad joke #14:
If you're a vegetarian, can you still eat animal cookies?

Bad joke #15:
Q: What happened to the boy who drank 8 Cokes?
A: He burped 7-up.

Bad joke #16:
Q: Who is safe when a man-eating lion is loose?
A: Women and children.

Bad joke #17:
Q: What do you call a cop who's in bed?
A: An undercover cop.

Bad joke #18:
Ralph: That man has been sitting there all day, doing nothing but wasting his time.
Tina: How do you know?
Ralph: I've been watching him.

Bad joke #19:
Q: What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month?
A: The letter D.

Bad joke #20:
Q: Why did the boy take his bike to bed with him?
A: He didn't want to walk in his sleep.

Do you have any bad jokes? Or good jokes? Or Average Joe jokes? Email me at [email protected]. Make me laugh!
*Jokes taken from 365 Days of Humor, Barbour Publishing Inc.